ABC Classification Method | Classification of the value,amount,speed of the materials in stock according to similar criterias. |
Acceptance | A document received by issuing bank and showing that the amount written will be paid on the date indicated. |
Active Stack | Stack of the loads which are worked on and placed according to requirements. |
Additional Costs | The costs of additional services and privileges provided during the transport process (these costs are not included in the freight price and are usually in the form of fixed price. Such as, delivery, transit privileges, moving privileges, penalties, transfer, loading/unloading, etc |
Address | The locations that identified by an identification number in the system by defining physical locations within the facility. |
Addressing | The physical identification of the products or transport units (basket, parcel, pallet, etc.) during the operation, carried out and recorded in the logistics facility by physically placing to an adrese in the facility and recording the identification number of the address where the identification number of the related product or transport unit is placed systematically. |
ADN | European convention on transport of dangerous goods with international inlad waterways. |
ADR | It is a standard to search for the documents required for vehicles and drivers in order to carry these materials,including the rules for the carriage of flammable and explosive materials by road. |
Agent | A logistics company in an area outside the central institution, organization or individual providing services on its behalf.(Usually they working on the basis of full load.) |
Agreement | The agreement that is between the parties to define the conditions in advance and clearly in the supply chain services. |
All Risk Policy | An insurance policy that covers all risks associated with loss or damage to property. |
Arrival Point | The place or point where the freight or the passenger will be transported in the transport. |
Astarya | This is the interval between the days when the ship may remain in the port for loading or unloading. |
Ata Carnet | The scope of the international import contract, a document which is accepted as a declaration, replacing the collateral between the two countries,allowing the temporary admission without subject to customs duty. |
ATR | According to the Customs Union agreement signed between Turkey and the European Community, it is a document issued by the exporter in order to benefit from customs exemption in the exportation of goods in free circulation. |
Average Inventory | The average level of inventory acquired for a product, a product group and all products in a given period. |
BAF | It is the freight item which determined every month in order not to be affected by the fluctuations in oil prices. |
BARCODE | In the context of automatic identification technology, It is the line-space combinations of different thickness, which can be read with an optical reader device and transmitted to the computer environment as a combination of numbers, characters, or their mix. |
Bill of lading | It is the instructions that shows the goods loaded.It contains information of the date and place of loading and the buyer, the place where the goods will be delivered, the goods receipt, the gross amount, the gross weight and the delivery form. |
Billing of ABC | As for spesific activites, activity that based on billing process is designed for companies.(This activity is primarily designed for third party logistics companies.It allows the calculation of billable charges.For instance, a 3PL company,warehousing and other value-added activities as well as each sale receipt/invoice process can determine the charge. |
Bonded Warehouse | A warehouse operated by a customs officer in accordance with the authorization given by the Undersecretariat of Customs, whose owner is obliged to be a legal entity or institution and whose goods are not purely nationalized, and for export purposes. |
Border Gate | It shows the borders of the country where the export or import vehicles enter or exit the countries on the transit routes. |
Bulk Load | It is the type of loading that the load is not in a container that can be handled with equipment and the handling requires touching the good. |
Buyer | The party who receiving the products. |
Contracted Warehouse | It is storage to protect the goods for the customers by depending on a contract. |
Cost and Freight | A concept of form of international delivery which starting from the moment the goods are loaded, the seller considered to be delivered to the buyer, but to which extent the freight costs belong to the seller. |
Cost,Insurance and Freight | A concept of form of international delivery which starting from the moment the goods are loaded, the seller considered to be delivered to the buyer, but to which extent the freight and insurance costs belong to the seller. |
CPT | It is a form of delivery that uses for each transportation form in international trade ,where the cost of freight and goods.It is a form of delivery that uses for each transportation form in international trade ,where the cost of freight and goods.Especially used in multi-vehicle types of transportation. The merchant's goods must be delivered by customs clearance to a carrier or other person designated for export (if such a location is agreed by the parties) and the seller must pay the transportation costs to bring the goods to the indicated destination. From the moment the goods are handed over to the first carrier, all risk and non-freight costs that related to the goods goes to the buyer as a general rule. |
Crane | It is a tool to lift heavy loads and move them to a place. |
Customer | The person or organization that the product and services are sold. |
Customer Relationship Management | Information system which aims to provide and offer more efficient and efficient services to customers through versatile and cross-analysis of customer characteristics and sales and marketing activities. |
Customs Broker | A person or organization who works for a fee, who is legally authorized to follow business in customs on behalf of importers and exporters. |
Customs Union | Agreement which facilitating import transactions between one or more countries, removing or reducing customs taxes, and ensuring that the same customs tariff is valid in all countries. |
DAP | It is a form of delivery in international trade, which is used for all kinds of transportation including freight, insurance, freight and domestic transportation, including a wide range of transportation.This indicates that the seller is delivered merchandise to the buyer at the specified destination, without leaving the shipping container for the convenience of the buyer. The seller assumes all costs and damages up to spesificied arrival destination but, the cost of custom clearance belongs to the buyer in the country of the buyer. |
DAT | It is a form of delivery in international trade, which is used for all kinds of transportation and paid cost of freight, insurance, and domestic transportation.It indicates that the seller deliver the goods to spesificied arrival point by letting buyer assume responsibility as unloaded. In the DAT,the responsibility of goods are given to the buyer as unloading cost paid by the seller in the spesificied terminal point that the seller and buyer indicated. |
DDP | It is a form of delivery in international trade, which is used for all kinds of transportation including freight, insurance, freight and domestic transportation.The responsibility of delivery of the seller ends with preparation of the goods in the spesificied import country.The seller has to assume taxes,picture and other costs to carry out to spesicified point. |
DDU | The concept of international delivery which are made without paying customs duties at the arrival point. |
Deadline | The time of the completion,the time that a request can be met. |
Delivery Order | It is an order or instruction prepared to ensure the withdrawal of the parts of the goods written in the bill of lading. Ordino is also an instruction for the withdrawal of the goods from customs for the waybill. |
Demand | The requirement that arises/occurs for a specific quantity of material. |
Demurrage | Before the time agreed,not to unload the goods that wait inside of the container, eventhough the vehicle left from the custom point. |
Dispatch | It is an official document that showing the goods sended from one place to another and the delivery of goods approved by the Ministry of Finance. |
Dispatch Note | The official document that indicating the name, amount, freight cost, invoice number of the load on the vehicle.In order to be able to check the goods in terms of tax legislation during the transfer, it is obligatory document for the commercial item to be arranged at the place of transfer from one place to another and to be kept together with the goods. |
Distribution | Issues which will able to deliver and ship according to specified time, quantitiy, and place. (Payed attention the facilities as distribution centers.) |
Distribution Center | It is logistics facilities where packaging,handling and value-added operations the goods that come from suppliers up to the time of distribution. |
Document of C1 | Documents that are provided for carriage of goods for commercial purposes and not for commercial purposes, only with respect to their basic occupational rights, with the vehicles which registered and registered on their behalf. |
Document of C2 | The document which has given to carry out international and domestic transport according to a spesific time schedule without complying with a spesific time schedule, according to the situation of the goods. |
Document of C3 | The document that given to carry out for the ones which will able to carry out home-office transportation. |
Document of G1 | It is the document that given to the agents in the field of domestic goods transportation. |
Document of G2 | It is the document that given to the agents in international and domestic goods transportation. |
Document of G3 | It is the document thst given to the agents in the field of domestic cargo transportation. |
Document of G4 | It is the document thst given to the agents in international and domestic cargo transportation. |
Document of H1 | This is the document that given to the commission in domestic goods transportation. |
Document of H2 | This is the document that given to the comission in international and domestic goods transport. |
Document of K1 | It is the document given to those who will carry goods for domestic trade purposes. 25 ton capacity requirement is applied for individuals,75 ton capacity for the companies. |
Document of K2 | It is only the document that given to those who will carry domestic goods and who will not make commercial transportation. |
Document of K3 | Documents that given for domestic commercial purposes for home and office goods. |
Document of L1 | It is the document given to those who will be in domestic logistics management. |
Document of L2 | In accordance with the road transport law, it is a certificate of competence that the companies operating international logistics business should have. The validity period of this document is 5 years, unless violations of the provisions of the law have been committed. |
Document of M1 | It is the document that given to real and legal persons who will operate cargo operations within the borders of the province. |
Document of M2 | It is the document that given to real and legal persons who will operate domestic cargo operations |
Document of M3 | It is the document that given to real and legal persons who will operate international and domestic cargo operations |
Document of N1 | It is the document that given to real and legal persons who will operate the shipping warehouse within the borders of the province. |
Document of N2 | Documents that given to real and legal persons to operate domestic transportation warehouse. |
Document of P1 | It is the document that given to real and legal persons who will operate distribution operations within the borders of the province. |
Document of P2 | It is the document that given to real and legal persons who will operate distribution operations in Turkey. |
Document of R1 | This is the document which given to legal persons who will be an organizer of domestic transportation. |
Document of R2 | According to the Law on the Transport of Highway, it is a type of authorization certificate that should be possessed by companies that carry out international transport works. The validity period of the document shall be five years, unless violations of the provisions of the law have been carried out. |
Document of UBAK(Conference of Transport Ministers) | Ubak was founded on October 17, 1953 by 17 countries including Turkey as the founder.The aim of the organization is to create an integrated transport system in which transportation is carried out economically and technically efficiently and swiftly with fleets that are more secure and compatible with environmental standards by taking the social dimensions of international transport among Member States into consideration.The UBAK document is a permission document used in the transportation carried out between the member countries, which is a regularly filled logbook allocated at the beginning of each year to the company which provides certain conditions by the Transport, Maritime and Communication Bank within the quota granted to the member countries by the Secretariat. |
Dozvola | It is the transit document of the TIR that countries used between each other. Countries mutually pay annual dosage certificate fee.Vehicles which have received this certificate can transport transit cargo from countries. |
Electrical Pallet | Hand-operated, electric (battery powered) equipment used to transport pallet loads practically horizontally. The ability to move pallets in the vertical direction is very limited. |
Emergency Stock | The amount of stock that has to be held to response to situation of emergency and unplanned. |
Equitable Sharing | Making an appropriate stockpile to each unit appropriately. |
ETA | Expected arrival date. |
Eurasian Railway Line | The railway line that connecting East Asia to Europe via Russia. |
Euro Palette | European countries have gradually moved standardization on their properties such as size, quality, material type, humidity rate, nails used and they have defined palettes in accordance with these standards as Euro pallets. Euro palette's standard number is UIC 435-2V. The dimensions are 80 cm x120 cm. |
European Logistics Association | A non-governmental organization that forms the standards in logistics education issues, which is related to the national organizations of all countries in Western Europe and supports logistic issues in industrial and commercial sectors in Europe. |
Ex Works | It is a form of delivery in international trade that only expresses the cost of goods, which allows the seller to deliver the goods to the buyer in its own warehouse. All costs, risks and other obligations related to the goods shall be borne by the buyer from the time the goods are delivered.The seller does not have to carry the goods on any means of transport, not does it have to fulfill these customs clearances where goods are made custom formalities for export. |
Export | It refers to the trade that has been sending goods or services from one country to another country. |
Export Declaration | It is called the written declaration document which specifies the characteristics, dimensions and qualifications to customs authorities, which shall enter or leave the country, and which shall be subject to transit or other processing. It is issued as copy. |
FCA | It is form of delivery in internatioal trade which is used in the form of all kinds of transportation,where paid the cost of goods and freight up to spesificied point.That means the seller's obligation to deliver the goods to the buyer at the place specified by the buyer as customs clearance for export.If the buyer has appointed a non-carrier to receive the goods, the seller is deemed to have fulfilled his delivery obligation by leaving the goods to that person. |
FIATA | Abbreviation for International Federation of Transportation Organizers. |
Fictive | It is the warehouse type where the private company stores its customs goods. |
Fictive Warehouse | Warehouse where goods are placed and special customs officers are appointed and the goods are provided by the owners to enter Turkey with customs legislation. |
Field Management | Storaging and monitoring of materials and containers that can be stored in open space. |
Fleet Management | The management and execution of self-owned vehicles, equipment, garage and infrastructure systems that exist in logistics companies is called as fleet management.Where and when the vehicles will be covered by including all the work, such as maintenance, accommodation, equipment to be found in the vehicle, driver status. |
FOB | It is form of international delivery.Seller loads the goods to the ship that is granted by the buyer in the time and place spesificied.It is the responsibility of the buyer to take all kinds of damage, loss and expenses that may arise after passing the goods to the ship.The seller prepares all necessary documents for export and deliver by completing the customs clearance of the goods. |
Force Mojeure | Provision that the parties cannot be held liable for developing and unforeseen situations beyond their control in the contracts (such as; earthquake, flood, war etc.) |
Foreign Trade Zone | In general, free zones can be defined as places outside the customs territory where legal and administrative regulations regarding commercial, financial and economic areas are not applied or are partially applied, where wider incentives are granted for industrial and commercial activities and are physically separated from other parts of the country. In free zones are ready-to-use infrastructure, general and independent warehouses, offices and open inventory areas, ready-made production facilities are offered for renting or title property and for investors. |
Forklift | Forklift fork range that is wider than usual. |
Forklifts | Loading, unloading, moving, placing, stacking, etc. in open and closed areas.Lifting device used for handling operations is a forklift. |
Fourth Party Logistics | Companies that combine resources, capabilities and technology of their organization with third-party logistics (3PL) companies and undertake the design and management of the entire chain to provide comprehensive supply chain solutions to their customers. 4pl companies must have the expertise and ability to add value throughout the entire supply chain. |
Freight Charges | The fee paid for transportation service. |
FTL | It is a load that completely loads the capacity of a trailer (volume, weight). |
Gabari | Measures that determine the length, width and height of the vehicles in order to ensure safe of the vehicles on the highway with or without load. |
Gateway | The change point of load information between carriers or the channel where the information flows freely between the two transport systems. |
General Carrier | The transportation company which services for many customers. |
Global Guarantee | Guarantee issued by the customs directorate to be used for processing in order to obtain the guarantees of the state's rights (in the taxation) during the customs clearance proceed. |
Good/Item | Purchased, leased or obtained product. |
Green Logistics | The approach that measures and tries to minimize the negative effects of all logistics activities on the environment. |
Groupage | This is the allocation of a transport vehicle or container to more than one sender. |
Handling | Material discharge, acceptance of goods, selecting separation, delivery-consolation, unpacking, splitting, stacking, placement, displacement, renewal-incomplete completion, collection, packaging, loading, etc .. operations. |
Handling Cost | Cost of transportation,preparation and the other loading/unloading activities. |
Harmonized Tariff Schedule | A document that has been listing how much tax is required for imported goods depending on the country of origin of the product and the source. |
House Bill of Lading | It is the load document that used for air freight that arranged by agencies.In addition,House Bill of Lading includes transportation cost,definition of the good and instruction of loading for destination agency. |
IATA | It is the organization that monitors the descriptions and authorizations of passenger and cargo transport in international air transport. |
IMO Document | It is a document that used for transport of flammable, explosive and chemical goods. |
Inbound Logistics | Logistics activities that carrying, storage, insurance, customs, returns etc. between the suppliers and the company. |
Inspection | The process of sampling and analyzing the material at storage or customs points under the supervision of internal or external officials (third parties), where necessary. |
Intermediary Institution | An institution which offer increased and comprehensive services between sender and buyer to support logistics process. |
Intermittent Production | In order to response a specific order or continuous demand, the form of production of similar or different products in batches (this type of production is subject to batch-type production, and one batch is not transferred to another before the end of the product. Actual production; transportation, waiting, control, etc. causes are performed intermittently). |
Intermodal Transportation | Moving goods are transported to the final destination by using multiple transport models without any physical operation on the goods and without opening the container or trailer at all. |
International Router | The abbreviated name of international road transport. |
International Transport | Each kind of transport that is made by road, sea, rail or/or air directly or by transit from one country to another. |
Inventory | Physical or financial list of all devices and stocks in operation. |
Invoice | The document which located the information of the good,quantity,quality,form of sale, adress, weight etc. and organized by the seller. |
Land Transportation | Transportation which is on land, therefore including both road and railway transport. |
Load | The good,product or item which transported. |
Loading | The process of loading the materials safely into trains, planes or trucks for the purpose of shipment. |
Loading/Unloading Area | Area where materials are temporarily placed for purposes of unloading, goods receipt, order preparation, loading etc. |
Logistics | It is a service flow consisting of physical flow consisting of transportation, storage, packaging and handling and customs clearance, insurance, supervision, inventory management and order management. In addition, logistics is a function that starts with the use of transportation and storage together and ends with an integrated operation of the specified activities. |
Logistics Management | To meet customer needs, it is the supply chain process that involves planning, implementing and controlling the storage of goods, services and related information between production point and consumption points through forward and backward flows. |
Material of Package | The material that protecting the goods,placing inside of the goods and can be used to aim for marketing. |
Multimodal Transportation | Carriage of loads by using multiple modes of transportation (land, air, sea, rail, pipeline). |
Net Weight | Weight of product inside package. |
Network Design | Within the scope of working for an efficient and efficient supply chain, the relevant supplier, manufacturer, warehouse and distribution center, sales points, and the production of various companies and facilities such as customers, storage and transportation systems, high response speed in a network structure integrity, high quality, low cost, etc. analysis and redesign of objectives. |
Notice of Arrival | A document which information about the load is conveyed to the buyer when the load arrives at the place of delivery. |
Notification Bank | The bank where the buyer's letter of credit is received and accepted by the buyer's bank and the seller is working. |
On Order | The order that it was taken,but as yet undelivered. |
On Time Delivery System | The system that is for shipment and delivery of the required material, at the required time and quantity. |
On Time Rate | For a specific period ,performance indicator indicating that orders are met at the promised date. |
Open Contract | The contract which is undefined its quantity and duration. (Material supply and service contract which does not limit in terms of time and quantity, or which includes different boundaries and generally relates to recurring orders and costs at different levels.) |
Open-Air Agreements | Agreements that the two countires are aiming to expand the free competition environment by allowing domestic airline companies to provide flight permits on their domestic routes to the airline companies of the other country mutually. |
Open-Top Container | Container that does not fit the standard container or can not be loaded with the forklift or similar equipment from the container door (The difference from the open container is that the loads exceeding the standard height in height can not be transported and have a closed pan.) |
Optimization | It is a concept that has parallels with resource planning.While aiming to increase the measurable values of the institutions such as the action to be taken within the existing resources and the plans to be implemented and the use of these resources with maximum capacity, efficiency and profitability; the aim is to keep these criteria at the lowest level in a structure measured by performance criteria such as punishment, delay, loss. |
Order Management | The process of meeting the demand or order, pricing, keeping the record, controlling the stocks, making the stock allocation or notifying the related places about the production / purchasing requirement, making the order, making the necessary arrangements with the monitoring of the delivery and collection. |
Outbound Logistics | Order transaction,packaging, distribution, vehicle-cargo tracking, delivery, returns, etc. logistics activities between the company and customers. |
Package | It protects the products from external effects, facilitates promotion and marketing processes, provides visual and ergonomic usage, contains information of the product. This is cap that was made from metal, plastic, glass. |
Packaging | For the purpose of marketing, storage, transport or distribution of products, using appropriate packaging materials by taking into conditions. |
Packing List | The list which usually prepared by the sender and shows the amount of the items in each package. |
Pallet | Platform that used in storage and transportation, produced from various materials (wood, metal, plastic, etc.), handled and placed on product. |
Pallet Jack | Material handling equipment that is suitable to work in low positions for order collection, vehicle loading and unloading operations in the warehouse. |
Partial | It is the method of transporting the loads of different customers on the same route with the same truck. |
Payment With Letter of Credit | According to request of a buyer,it is conditional commitment that payment to a specified seller shall be made for the presentation of the documents that was determined the details by the buyer and given by a bank. |
Policy | A written agreement that shows that the insurance contract has been concluded and the conditions of the contract mutually. |
Proforma | It is the pre-invoice which is arranged by the seller on behalf of the buyer and shows all details about the agreement made. |
Progressive Stock | Stock that is at a certain level in the supply chain to give response to customer's needs. |
Punishment | In case of non-compliance, the amount that paid within the framework of the procedures specified in the contract. |
QuotasRestrictions applied by a country to product groups or to another country in order to keep the quantity of imported goods under control.
Receiving | The process of receiving the goods by the authorized person who delivers the goods. |
Reinsurance | The issue of transferring of a predetermined portion of the risks that the insurance companies have secured by agreement to other insurance companies for premiums. |
Report | A document that is signed by persons to determine a specific event or situation. |
Return to Origin | The issue of returning the imported materials to the exporting company in cases where the materials are not in conformity with the qualifications of the imported materials. |
Reverse Logistics | Taking back the goods to the customers with the purpose of repair,reuse,renewal,recycling,after the delivery of the customer,because there is return,scrap,empty vessel return. |
Road Transportation | Freight and human transport by using land lanes, roads, highways, bridges and similar structures and areas and tools which are open to public use on highways. |
Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship | A special type of ship that carrying the load vehicles used on the highway and loading and unloading vehicles by walking on the wheels. |
Roll-On/Roll-Off Transportation | The form of combined transportation, which started with land transportation, was put on Ro-Ro vessels by long-distance sea route and finally ended with road transport. |
Route | The way which people, goods, vehicles, services, or information will be follow between starting and ending points to determine in advance. |
Route Planning | According to information of order, vehicle, climate, workforce, capacity, speed, cost, time etc. the process of determining routes between the starting and ending points. |
Sanitary Certificate | A document which certifying that the goods that are commonly used and carried in food transport are in hygienic conditions. |
Seal | A kind of locking system used to determine if the load vehicle has been opened without permission after loading. |
Semi-trailer | A load carrying vehicle for road transport, which can be parked with wheels, as well as by means of a support vehicle, withdrawn by a vehicle and suitable for the characteristics of the load. |
Sender | The company or party which request to carry the goods. |
Shipment | According to specific criteria (day of shipment, location, loading vehicle, route, amount, etc.), it is the process of sorting out from the warehouse in order to reach the places requested by the relevant official documents. |
Sousplan | Usually used for transportation by land and sea, the situation that the material carried out customs clearance situation on the vehicle. |
Spanzet | It is the general name of the polyester strips that are fixed to the surface where the load will be carried and used to fix the load by tension mechanism. |
Stock | Material that is generally stored in warehouses against the requirements that may occur or may occur in the future. |
Stock Accuracy In Address | Matching the products that is physically in the logistics facility with registered products at subject address on the system as one to one. |
Stock Control | Determination of requirements of orders in a manner that does not cause stock excess or stock shortage by following stocks continuously or monitoring periodically and in accordance with the specified rules. |
Storage | The place where products/materials are stored, storage/storage service and fees paid for this service. |
Storage Cost | Physical storage of materials (rent/depreciation, heating, lighting, insurance, general expenses, etc.) and handling (material unloading, goods acceptance, grouping, opening package, stacking, placement, incomplete completion, collection, loading, etc.) costs related to the goods. |
Storehouse | Open or close secured space which placing the goods for a short time according to some needs. |
Storehouse Delivery Receipt | This is the documents issued to certify that the goods are transferred to the responsibility of the related party by signing and scratching when delivering or delivering the goods from the company, supplier or customers providing the services in question to provide storage, transportation and value added services. |
Stowage | The volume is stacked on top of materials for use in the vertical direction. |
Stowing | A heap load that is created from different loads according to certain criteria. |
Supplement | A document that prepared to indicate changes in the insurance policy during the period which it is in force. |
Supplier | The company that provide the goods and services. |
Supply | Selection, planning, stock control, procurement, transportation, delivery, evaluation, etc. necessary to supply necessary machinery, tools, devices, raw materials, materials, parts, semi-products, products and services from eligible suppliers. all of the activities. |
Supply Chain | It covers all the interconnected rings from the supply phase of goods and services to production and end-consumer. In terms of business processes, the supply chain covers many areas such as sales process, production, inventory management, material procurement, distribution, procurement, sales forecasting and customer service. |
Supply Chain Management | The management approach that provides the most effective and efficient coordination of suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and retailers to meet the targeted customer service level at the lowest cost and ensure the right amount and distribution of goods in the right place at the right time. |
Supply Planning | Planning the activities of identifying, prioritizing and supplying supply sources to add new values to the supply chain of a product or service within the appropriate level, duration and range. |
Swap Body | It is the name of the containers that can not be stacked on top of each other and made thin enough to be lifted by the stacker.They are produced from fairly light materials to reduce initial procurement costs and minimize long-term fuel costs.They are standard ISO container sizes for loading on vehicles carrying other containers.It can change the vehicle without any loading/unloading system due to the folding feet in the four corners of the vehicle |
Temporary Importation | Sending abroad semifinished product or product by bringing the raw material, semifinished product or product from abroad and adding or not adding different materials in the country with or without value added transactions. |
The Bank | The bank which the buyer goes to request letter of credit during purchasing. |
The Buyer's Right To Determine Destination | In cases where the seller does not pay the transportation costs, the buyer will have the right to determine the transportation destination. |
The Buyer's Risk | This is the risk that the goods does not reach to buyer as in the requested conditions. |
The CMR Convention | It is a road transport document that uses the national language which accepts the provisions of the CMR convention. It shows that the carrier is made according to the CMR provisions. It is issued by the shipper or logistics company on behalf of the buyer. |
The Duration of the Transfer | The time period that the document and the payment need to reach from one institution to another. |
The Emergency Plan | The plan that showing measures to be taken against unexpected developments that may occur in the future. |
The Main Bill of Lading | It is used for the shipment to carry from actual sender to actual buyer in the airway. |
The Main Production Schedule | The production program which MRP works depending on this program, which shows how much and when the product will be produced, depending on sales forecasts and orders. |
The Main Route | The way that is most available and useful between points of exit and arrival. |
The Mirror Effect | The impact of the signing of a bilateral agreement for new destinations in air transport. (when there is no service on the newly opened route, the airlines companies of the two countries will start to serve at the same time) |
The Weight | Empty weight of transportation vehicle. |
Third Party Logistics | Logistics companies that undertake the logistics activities of their customers (primarily transportation and storage) and are experts in the field of logistics. |
TIR Convention | An agreement that signed in Geneva on 15 January 1959 by the International Transport Association (IRU), under the auspices of the United Nations. |
TMGD / DGSA | The main task of Hazardous Substances Safety consultancy is to determine and use the most appropriate tools and activities under the responsibility of the person in charge of the company and to facilitate the management of these activities in the safest way. |
Tonnage | Carrying capacity of a freight transport vehicle in tons. |
Toolboxes | It is a tool box that used to repair a vehicle. |
Traceability | Having possession of data about the way of a load in the warehouse from the moment of entry to the moment of exit ,during the process |
Tractor | It is land vehicle that the driver sit,motorized,has two axes at least,used to drive trailer or semi-trailer.(This word should not be confused with the vehicle that is used to attract broken vehicles and which should in fact be described as a "rescue vehicle".) |
Trailer | A road transport vehicle for load carrying which can be parked on its own wheels, drawn by a tractor and adapted to the characteristics of the load. |
Transfer Center Agreements | Agreements with airline companies to be a transfer center of an airport. ( The loads firstly go to the center and distribute from the center. This reduces the possibility of flight of the load directly, but it increases total efficiency. |
Transferring | The process of unloading the loads from a vehicle and loading them into another vehicle to be shipped in a short time without any special handling. Transferring the load from one carrier to another between lines. |
Transit Time | The total amount of time that is from the loading of the goods into the vehicle to the delivery of the goods to the destination. |
Transportation | Shipping transfer which can be carried out with official document by using land, air and sea route of pipeline. |
Tugboat | A motorized seaway vehicle that helps large ships maneuver quickly and safely in the port. |
Unloading | The process that downloading the goods or materials from a vehicle and putting it in a suitable place. |
Vehicle Meter | An unit that used to determine vehicle capacity of RO-Ro ships; lenght of it is 1 m. and width of it 2,5 m. |
Visa | A document showing that a state has exported to exporting companies for products under quota and that those products can be exported. |
Warehouse | A secured area that is open or closed, where items are received from certain point, maintained for a specified period, and sent to specific points. |
Warehouse Management System | It is the system that enables the workers to monitor and plan the resources by recording and reporting the whole process (including external field management), by using the computer environment and automatic recognition technologies with smart algorits, and by making decisions on the issues. |
Warehousing | Protecting the goods or items according to spesificied conditions for use or shipment. |